Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Hair Extensions

I have decided that I want to get some clip in hair extensions, not necessarily for volume, but for length as my hair seems to be stuck just under my shoulder blades. I really wish it would grow longer! So I've been looking at Lush Hair Extensions, has anyone tried these, what do you think of them? Also, do i get full head or half head? I'm thinking half head as I don't want the volume? The price of the full head is £34.99 and the half head is £18.99! Decisions Decisions....

15" Clip In Human Hair Extensions FULL HEAD #1 Jet Black15" Clip In Human Hair Extensions Half Head #1 Jet Black


1 comment:

Gary Ardill said...

My girlfriend has bought a similar hair extension from xtras-online.co.uk and she is very satisfied with quality and price.

Buy human hair extensions

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